Dead or Alive 5

Dead or Alive 5 - Wallpaper - Information

Release Date: 2012-September-25
: Fighting 
Publisher: Tecmo 
Developer: Team Ninja

Dead or Alive 5 get married its signature fighting manner with MMA fighting system to deliver a chief kick for players new and aged. Visually striking scenes from in the region of the world blended with a hard hitting cast puts players in the roles of the throw of Dead or Alive fighters  once more. In Dead or Alive  5, stages act not only as illustration backdrops to attend a fight but instead take part in to a fighter’s strengths. As a battle progresses, the backdrop will alter and cooperate with players. Skilled fighters will be able to utilize these active stages to accomplish hard hitting blows, pitting their foes against new barrier creating a unique incident that will leave them out of breath.

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